Entrepreneurship Hub

Empowering Tomorrow's Innovators

About NU E-Club

The NU E-Club, a student-led organization at Nile University in Egypt, fosters entrepreneurship and innovation among students. It serves as a hub for entrepreneurial activities, aiming to equip students with skills to transform ideas into ventures.

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Our Vision & Mission

To embrace entrepreneurship among Nile University students, empowering them as future leaders in Egypt's business landscape. To provide skills, knowledge, and opportunities for students to turn ideas into ventures.

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Goals & Objectives

Promote Entrepreneurial Culture: NU E-Club is the hub for entrepreneurial activities at Nile University.

Launch Training Programs: Offer specialized training for committees. Collaborate on National Events: Participate in national entrepreneurial events.

Host Flagship Events: Organize mega events that provide entrepreneurial insights and activities.

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Our Team

Youssef Yahya


Toqqa Hossam

Vice President

Mariam Badran

Head of Public Relations

Hana Hatem

Head of Human Resources

Khadija Alaa

Head of Media

Moaz Khaleel

Head of Operations

Mona Gomaa

Head of Marketing

Zyad Abdelsalam

Head of Web Development